Rats Removal
Our Pest Control Technicians Are Extensively Trained In Rodents Control, They Are Experienced To Identify And Remove Rats & Mice in Your Home Or Business Within Short Period of Time With Fast Results, We Use High Quality Rodent Baits To Treat Mice & Rats Around Sydney
Why Choose Us ?✓ Experts in rodent removal
✓ Safety boxes for the safety of your pet & child ✓ We use high quality products safe for human & Pets ✓ 100% Safe and environmentally friendly ✓ You Can Stay Home while we are applying treatment ✓ Free Inspection With any Treatment ✓ Free Quotes and Free Advice ✓ Free Report After Treatment ✓ We deal with any type of rodent ✓ Our job is guaranteed for best results ✓ We provide Certificates for Council Purposes |
Experienced With: ✓ Houses
✓ Apartments ✓ Restaurants ✓ Cafe's ✓ Hotels ✓ Cars ✓ Clubs ✓ Nursing Homes ✓ Schools ✓ Childcares ✓ Warehouses |
What Risk You Can Face From Rodents?
Norway rats are large rodents that may weigh in excess of 500 grams. They can reach lengths of 40 cm,and their tails alone may measure 21 cm. The body of the Norway rat is covered in shaggy fur that is brown or gray in color. The ears and tail are covered in scales, and the tail is shorter than the head and body. Droppings are capsule-shaped.
House mice are covered in short hair that is light brown or gray to black in color, with lighter bellies. Their ears and tail also bear hair, although much less than their bodies. Adult mice weigh approximately 12 to 30 grams and can grow up to 20 cm from the nose to the tip of the tail. Droppings are rod-shaped and pointed on both ends.
Rodents Life Cycle:
Rodents are warm-blooded mammals that, like humans, can be found throughout the world. They have oversized front teeth for gnawing and check teeth, which are adapted for chewing. Rodents chew on a variety of items available to them and cause great damage in and around homes.
Rodents tend to be rapid breeders. Some species breed year-round, and populations are maintained through constant reproduction. Because of the rodents’ body plan, they are capable of squeezing through spaces that appear to be much too small for them. All such holes should be sealed to prevent entry and reentry of rodents. A pest control professional should be contacted for assistance.
Rats and mice are both extremely destructive within agricultural communities. A number of species feed on seeds and grains. The feces and urine of some rodents may contaminate surfaces with which they come into contact.
Disease Information is not advisable to handle any wild rodent. They are equipped with large teeth and are capable of transmitting a variety of bacteria, viruses and diseases through their saliva, feces and urine.
If you locate a rodent within your home, it is best to contact a pest management professional for removal and identification. The presence of one rodent within a home could signal an infestation.
Keep all children and pets away from the rodent. If cornered, the rodent will bite to defend itself.
Rodents tend to be rapid breeders. Some species breed year-round, and populations are maintained through constant reproduction. Because of the rodents’ body plan, they are capable of squeezing through spaces that appear to be much too small for them. All such holes should be sealed to prevent entry and reentry of rodents. A pest control professional should be contacted for assistance.
Rats and mice are both extremely destructive within agricultural communities. A number of species feed on seeds and grains. The feces and urine of some rodents may contaminate surfaces with which they come into contact.
Disease Information is not advisable to handle any wild rodent. They are equipped with large teeth and are capable of transmitting a variety of bacteria, viruses and diseases through their saliva, feces and urine.
If you locate a rodent within your home, it is best to contact a pest management professional for removal and identification. The presence of one rodent within a home could signal an infestation.
Keep all children and pets away from the rodent. If cornered, the rodent will bite to defend itself.